Lorna Breen Soprano
Funeral Hymn List
1) Entrance Hymn:
Be still my soul
Close to you - I watch the sunrise
Here I am Lord
Make me a channel of your peace
How great thou art
Christ be beside me
Abide with me
Morning has broken
Amazing Grace
I’ll sing a hymn to Mary
2)Responsorial Psalm:
The Lord is my Shepherd (Egan)
The Lord is my Shepherd (Crimmond)
The Lord is my Shepherd (Goodall)
Be not afraid
The lord is my light
May your love be upon us o lord
Here I am lord
On Eagles wings
Ag Criost an siol
The Cloud’s Veil
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Amazing Grace
As I kneel before you
In bread we bring you lord
Lord accept the gifts we offer
Soul of my saviour
4)Communion: (2 Songs)
Pie Jesu (Lloyd Webber)
Pie Jesu (Fauré)
The Cloud’s Veil (Lawton)
Panis Angelicus
The Hiding Place (Lawton)
The Lord Bless you and keep you (Rutter)
Be still my soul
Ag criost an siol
Close to you - I watch the sunrise
How great thou art
You Raise me up
My Forever Friend
Be still for the presence of the lord
I will be the vine
Soul of my saviour
5)Blessing of the coffin
Jesus Remember me
Bless the Lord my Soul
Going Home (Dvorak)
Nearer my god to thee
Close to you - I watch the sunrise
Be not afraid
How great thou art
The Lord bless you and keep you (Rutter)
Abide with me
Pie Jesu
General Hymn List
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Abide with Me
Ave Verum (Mozart)
Amazing Grace
Ag Críost an Síol
All things bright and beautiful
Be not afraid
Be still my soul
Be thou my vision
Bring flowers of the rarest (Queen of the May)
Celtic Song of Farewell (Tune of Danny Boy)
Christ be beside me
Going home
Here I am Lord
How great thou art
Hiding place (psalm) Liam Lawton
I watch the sunrise (close to you)
In Paradisum (Fauré)
Lady of Knock
Make me a channel of your peace
Morning has broken
Nearer my God to thee
Nella Fantasia (Ennio Morricone)
Oh! Breathe not his name (Hughes)
On eagles wings
Panis Angelicus
Pie Jesu (Lloyd Webber)
Pie Jesu (Fauré)
The cloud’s veil (Liam Lawton)
Tis the last rose of the summer
The Lord is my Shepherd (Liam
The Lord’s my Shepherd (Crimond)
Wind Beneath my Wings
You raise me up
You’ll never walk alone